Food Planning

Food planning, storage and preparation: “Fresh vs. Freeze Dried”

During the first year of all our backpacking trips, we used to bring freeze dried foods to get us through the trips. As the years went by, we swapped out all (or most) of our freeze dried foods with light fresh foods. The minimal additional weight was well worth the carry after a long day of hiking.
Here is a list of back country meal ideas, preparation tips and storage tips to help you along your travels that we currently use on our hiking trips.

One of the first things to be aware of, is the need for calories during your trip. According to Wikipedia (height),Wikipedia (weight), and, the average American male age 35 should consume about 477 calories per hour when backpacking. So at 477 in an 8 hour day, a person would need to consume 3816 calories. Seems like a lot huh? One of the things I have found hard to do is carry enough fresh food to get all those calories. This is where power bars come in. They are quick, somewhat tasty and give you a boost when needed. Power Bar Performance bars provide around 230-250 calories so this is a great option to fill in the blank spots. Below is a typical daily intake meal list of one of the days I consume food.

Item Portion Size Calorie Intake

Breakfast Tortilla -Breakfast Burritos 4.1 oz (1 ea) 130
Egg (fresh) 3.5 oz (2 ea) 160
Cheese (cheese stick) 4 oz (1/2 cup) 266
Bacon Bits (Oscar Mayer, Real bacon) .5 oz (1 tbls) 13

Snack Powerbar 2 oz (1 ea) 240

Lunch Flour Tortilla 4.1 oz (1 ea) 130
Peanut Butter Chunky Style 1 oz (2 tbls) 376
Grape Jelly 1.4 oz (2 tbls) 100

Snack Powerbar – Peanut Butter Performance 2 oz (1 ea) 240

Dinner Spaghetti sauce 4 oz (1/2 cup) 100
Elbow Macaroni Noodles 4 oz (1/2 cup) 420
Corn 3 oz (1/4 can) 33

Drink Gatorade – 16 oz per hour 128 oz (8 ea) 880

33.6 oz (2.1 lbs) 3088
Item Portion Size Calorie Intake

Breakfast Mountain House (2 serving bag) 8 oz (1/2 lbs) 600
Snack Powerbar – Peanut Butter Performance 2 oz (1 ea) 240
Lunch Mountain House (2 serving bag) 8 oz (1/2 lbs) 600
Snack Powerbar – Peanut Butter Performance 2 oz (1 ea) 240
Dinner Mountain House (2 serving bag) 8 oz (1/2 lbs) 600
Drink Gatorade – 16 oz per hour 128 oz (8 ea) 880

28 oz (1.75 lbs) 3160







As you can see, freeze dried food doesn’t really weigh that much less when comparing apples to apples and only slightly provides more calories when eating the full 2 serving per bag.
To get the extra calories that the food was lacking, I use Gatorade in my water. If your drinking 16 ounces of water an hour it stacks up and gives you that little extra boost. Any suggestions, please comment?